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"Internet’in sağladığı zengin eşzamansız (”async”) iletişim olanakları ister istemez yeni küratörlük pratiklerine yol açıyor bence. Bu ortamlarda kullandığımız iletişim ve düzenleme araçları hiçbir klasik küratörün elinde yok. Bu araçlarla çerçevelemek, kavramsallaştırmak, sınırlandırmak, yönetmek, düzenlemek, ayarlamak hemen hergün hepimizin defalarca yaptığı eylemler. Çoğumuz son 3-5 yıldır bunları yapıyoruz ve birer veri küratörü oluyoruz. Eğer herhangi bir paylaşımlı sosyal web servisi kullanıyorsanız –mesela Delicious sosyal imleme etiketleme, Flickr fotoğraf grupları, FFFFOUND görsel imleme, Youtube video kanalları vs.– siz de veri küratörlüğü yapıyorsunuz.

Bakıp iyileştirdiğimiz şey veri, yaratıcı kişilerin bize verdikleri. Ya bir yerden aldığını bize yönlendiriyor, ya biz bu verilerle karşılaşıyoruz. Karşılaştıkça topluyor, etiketliyor, yeniden çerçeveliyor, blogda yazıyor, çevresindekilere gönderiyor, sınırlandırıyor, bağlantı kuruyoruz. Veriye yeni yönler veriyoruz. Küratörlük hayatın içinde hergün devam ediyor.

Ancak burada çok daha önemli bir soru var. Bu küratörlük araçlarını bize kim veriyor? Araçlar bu veri bakma iyileştirme pratiğimizi nasıl yönlendiriyor? Ne kadar bağımsız?"

Burak Arıkan >>>alıntı adresi

Missing Italian woman artist Pippa Bacca found dead in Turkey

Turkish police have found the body of an Italian artist who went missing while hitchhiking in a white wedding dress for peace, officials said on Saturday. Giuseppina Pasqualino di Marineo, 33, was hitchhiking with a friend from her hometown of Milan to Israel and the two separated near Istanbul, shortly before she went missing. Police arrested Murat Karatas, who later confessed that he first raped and killed di Marineo. Turkish people condemned the murder as the leading newspaper Hurriyet wrote "We are ashamed" in the headline. (UPDATED)

Missing Italian woman artist Pippa Bacca found dead in Turkey

Italian artist, also known as Pippa Bacca, was last seen on March 31. She was raped and then killed on March 31, according to the initial autopsy results, Dogan News Agency (DHA) said.

Di Marineo and her friend left Milan on March 8 and hitchhiked to Turkey together. They separated in Istanbul shortly before di Marineo went missing, with the aim of reuniting in Beirut, Lebanon.

The suspect, Murat Karatas, was arrested on Friday. The police reached the suspect after determining that he had used her mobile phone after di Marineo's disappearance, the news agencies reported. Police tracked down the suspect when he switched on di Marineos mobile phone, having inserted his own SIM card, an Italian Embassy official told the AP.

Police found her naked body hidden amid bushes in a forest area, after questioning the suspect. Karatas had previously been convicted for theft, the official Anatolian Agency reported. DHA said he confessed that he first raped the Italian artist and then killed her. Karatas also said he took her from a gas station near Gebze.

Di Marineo's body was taken to Istanbul for autopsy after her sister identified the body. Her sister, Antonia Giuseppina Pasgualino di Marineo, told reporters on Saturday they are planning to take Bacca's body back to Italy on Monday once the legal procedures completed. "This is very painful. I don't want to answer the question," she replied when asked about her feelings.

She also thanked the security officials and the General Consulate of Italy for their efforts to find Bacca after she went missing.


Di Marineo's mother Elena Manzoni told reporters her daughter was trying to prove that people could be reliable. "They ask me why my sister was hitchhiking. What can I say? She was just trying to prove that people are reliable," she was quoted as saying by DHA.

Turkish people condemned the murder and expressed their feelings in the internet. Turkey's leading newspaper Hurriyet said "We are ashamed" in the headline of its internet edition.

"We should be ashamed... Is it so easy to kill such innocent people?" Huseyin Somer commented in

Üstat/Öncü/Aka Serhat Köksal

Asansör//The Elevator

Mayıs 2007 tarihli ilk video çalışmam. Süre: 4.07 dk. Müzik: Gökhan Kırdar. Yukarıdaki örnek ilk 1 dakikayı içeriyor.

Luigi Russolo//Intonarumori//L’arte dei Rumori (The Art of Noises)